Our Mission
ABOUT US PROVIDING MILITARY FUNERAL HONORS for America's deceased Veterans when...
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< To Request Honor Guard Services > 1-865-314-3915 (or) CDR.PFHG@GMAIL.COM < To Contact...
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Honor Guard Services are provided " Free of Charge " < < < and > > > Our members are “...
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Mission Statement

The Honor Guard's Primary Mission is to provide Military Funeral Honors for America's deceased Veterans when the family requests this service.


When we provide "Full" Military Funeral Honors, all of the following segments are available:

            1. Military Pallbearers 
            2. Military Chaplain
            3. Ceremonial Rifle Volley Salute
            4. Sounding of TAPS
            5. Flag Folding Ceremony
            6. Flag Presentation to the Next of Kin

The Secondary Mission of the Honor Guard is to provide Color Guard Patriotic Services in support of the City of Pigeon Forge and the civic and business communities throughout Sevier County and into the adjoining counties.

                     Contact the Honor Guard:
                                        Address & Location
                 Click the Link if you want to...
                                        All Honor Guard Services are                                                           provideded Free of Charge
                                        To offset Honor Guard expenses,

                                        Please Make a Donation!


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